If your cat has urinary issues, the amount of ash in their diet could be to blame. Ash is a substance that is found in all of our foods, including foods meant for our cats. The amount of ash in a food is calculated by measuring the amount of inorganic material left after the organic material from food is combusted.
Historically, high-ash foods have been correlated with urinary problems in cats. Recent research shows that urine pH levels are the most important things to consider with urinary issues; however, low-ash diets may help your kitty by providing nutritionally balanced, high quality food.
All About Low-Ash Foods For Cats
There may be multiple factors that contribute to urinary issues, but switching to a low-ash diet is an easy thing to try with your cat. Generally, low-ash cat foods tend to be either grain-free dry food formulations, or wet food.
If your cat is having urinary problems, you may find that a wet food, low ash diet will help them the most. Cats often get most of their daily liquids from their food. When we feed dry kibble, it increases the risk of chronic dehydration. In contrast, wet food provides appropriate moisture to your kitties while filling their bellies with delicious food.
How To Switch Your Kitty's Food
When you've found a low-ash food that you want to try, you can begin the switching process by including a small portion of the new food on top of the old food during feeding time. Wet food may be significantly more attractive than dry food for a suspicious cat.
You'll want to incorporate your new low ash cat food slowly over the next few weeks. If you make the switch too quickly, you could disrupt your cat's delicate stomach system. It is especially important to go slow if your cat has active urinary or digestive issues, as changes in diet can impact or worsen digestive symptoms.
After you've switched, allow a few weeks of eating the new diet before concluding whether or not the new food had a positive impact. If your cat doesn't like the new flavor, just try another.
If you've got multiple cats, you may want to feed the cat you're switching separately. You can lock them in a room with you during feeding time, or invest in a microchip-enabled pet feeder to ensure that no other cat can get their special food.
Remember, if you have concerns about your cat's health, consult with your veterinarian. Your vet may recommend medicine or special prescription food if you can't resolve the problem with over-the-counter solutions.