Zoo Med Laboratories
Deluxe Brooder Porcelain & Aluminium Clamp Lamp Fixture with On/Off Switch Black
Product Overview
Zoo Med's Deluxe 10" Porcelain Brooder Clamp Lamp is ideal for use with all types of reptile incandescent light sources or reptile ceramic heat emitters.
Ideal for large heat emitters, reflector spot lamps or infrared heat lamps.
Made of high quality heavy gauge painted aluminum with a safety wire guard on front to help prevent bulb breakage. Includes On/Off switch for greater convenience.
Heat resistant insulated porcelain socket handles up to a 250 watts.

For over 40 years, Zoo Med Laboratories has been the leading brand in tools, equipment, food, and accessories for reptiles, amphibians and even birds and fish! They have something for just about every scaly friend - take a look at our selection below and see why they are one of our all time favorite brands!